Marketing News: Unknown Secrets of Online Marketing for Window Covering Retailers - Online Marketing for Window Covering Retailers Skip to main content

Marketing News: Unknown Secrets of Online Marketing for Window Covering Retailers

Marketing News: Unknown Secrets of Online Marketing for Window Covering Retailers

Imagine you suddenly decide that this "Internet thing" might be a good place to generate leads for your window covering business. You'd be correct. But now you have some questions, and you ask yourself:

  • How do I put a website together?
  • What do I write about on my new website?
  • Where do I get the photos?
  • How do I get my company online?
  • How can I get to the top of the search engines?

No Problem!

This is what ExSeed Marketing will do for you. We write, build, maintain, and do all the required (and most important) SEO Search Engine Optimization for you.

The only way to keep a site at the top of the search results is with constant and consistent SEO or by investing in Google Ads. SEO is the art and science of giving the search engines what they want so you move to the top of the search results page.

The truth is, that Google wants a part of every Advertising Dollar on Earth. This is the reason they are making SEO far more difficult. They want you to use their Ads network. What is Google Ads? It's the paid ads at the top of every search.

Now you ask yourself, does it work? YES.

It's not uncommon to see a 50% growth in business in 3 months using Google Ads. Having been in business for more than 30 years now, I can tell you that Ads are the best advertising tool ever invented. We're able to laser target a type of customer, we're able to target certain types of products that buyers are looking for, and we're able to have it be Predictable. You know exactly what clients are searching for.

The data available from Ads is amazing. We know when people search, what they are searching for, what search terms they use, and where they are. We can even tell if they were on a phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. The data tells us the unknown secrets of Online Marketing for Window Covering Retailers.

I know that if I spend $X, I get $XX back in sales. This is a dream come true for marketers like me.

How much should you spend on Google Ads? $800-$1000 per month will keep you very busy. We've seen several dealers use our website/Ads services to expand their businesses. They know if they spend X they will see a return of XX. This makes expansion much easier.

One of the benefits of Ads is that you can't be overrun by Home Depot or You pay what they pay. It levels the playing field.

Not sure? Look at the Ads in your market. If you see Budget Blinds, Home Depot, Lowes, 3 Day Blinds, or any other large retailer, you can be right next to them in a few days.

Let's talk about getting you on Google Ads today.

If you are looking for thriving online marketing services for window covering retailers and window cleaning businesses, please call ExSeed Marketing at 949-768-6695 or click here to fill out our online request form