Confessions of an Online Marketer for Window Cleaning Skip to main content

Confessions of an Online Marketer for Window Cleaning

Confessions of an Online Marketer for Window Cleaning

Is Google tracking you? Yes. How do I know? I set it up.

It's not as sinister as it sounds. Let's say you're on the Las Vegas Window Cleaning site looking at Residental Window Cleaning and you leave. You start surfing the web as usual and suddenly you start seeing ads for those Residential Window Cleaning on several sites, how did they do that?

Simple. It's part of the Google Ads system and it's called remarketing.

We can set this up for any window-cleaning business.

When you sign up with ExSeed Marketing Google Ads services, this is a standard function of Google Ads. The way it works is when someone lands on your site their browser is tagged with a tag that triggers these ads on millions upon millions of sites. I can set it for as long or as short of a time as you want. It's effective and inexpensive. Just think, your company ads are now following potential clients all over the internet. If it works for Ford, Apple, and Your Business, it will work for you. Millions of Google Ads advertisers use this system because it works, If you're interested, let's talk.

If you are looking for top-of-the-line online marketing services for window covering retailers and window cleaning businesses, please call ExSeed Marketing at 949-768-6695 or click here to fill out our online request form